Why Do We Share Our Adventures


This blog is now 7 months old and each Friday is always about some sort of adventure.  If you’ve been following our blog for some time now. You may be wondering why we post about our adventures. That is a great question that we would love to answer for you!

There are a few reasons we wanted to start our blog. There are also a few reasons we decided to post about the topics we picked as well. The reasons below are the reasons we decided to post about as many of our adventures as possible.

Record Memories

First of all, we didn’t really expect a ton of people to read our blog. We understood that this is mostly going to be a public place for us to record things for us to look back on. This is going to be something that we go back to years from now. Something we can one day show our children and grandchildren. Also, this will help us remember each of our adventures. To know which ones we had the most fun on. And to know which ones almost killed us.

Inspire Others

As most everyone knows, it can be hard to find things to do. Once you find something to do though, it can be hard to determine if that is a good fit for what you are wanting to do. I know that this is something that we have run into several times. We want to try some new adventure but there isn’t enough information available to tell us if that’ll really fit for what we can do.

Share What We Have Learned

We want to make sure that we document our adventures to help others know what they can expect if they decide to try that adventure. By doing this we hope to not only share our success stories for adventures. But to also give others tips and tricks that we have picked up on. We want to share all the different things we’ve learned to help make your next adventure the best it can be!

Finding good information about different adventures is hard to come by. Most everything you find online now is very general. It doesn’t give good accurate descriptions of what to expect on trails, or at certain attractions. Our hope is that the information we provide about our adventures helps you have the best time possible if you decide to try that adventure yourself.

Thank you for reading!

If you are someone who has been following our blog for a while now. Sorry if this isn’t what you were expecting today. We know this isn’t our normal adventure post. We hope you’ve still enjoyed it though. Do you take time to record your adventures or even just your day to day thoughts? If so, we’d love to hear about why you do!

Don’t forget to check us out on social media! We are on FacebookInstagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and Youtube. For more posts about adventures, click here! Again, thank you for reading! God Bless!