The Easiest Plants To Care For


When you move out on your own, one of the things that make you feel like a true adult is growing things. Whether that is in your garden outside or inside with some house plants. Taking care of plants though can be difficult. You have to know how much sun they need. How often to water them. When to re-pot them. How often to fertilize them. It can seem overwhelming.

Many times when you are just starting with plants, you end up killing a few before you get the hang of it. At least that’s been my case. The first time I bought plants. I bought 4 and 3 of them died within 2 months. In hopes of saving you the heartache of killing plants. Not to mention save you money in having to buy new plants. So here are a few plants that I’ve found that are extremely easy to care for.

1. Jade Plant

This adorable mini tree is a hardy plant. It only requires two things. Water and lots of sunlight. If your jade plant isn’t getting enough of one of those it will not flourish. If it is getting too much water. It will not flourish. The best way to care for a jade tree is the put it in a sunny spot and water them when the soil is dry to the touch. When you do water then make sure to water them thoroughly.

I’ve had my jade tree for about 2 years not. When I first got it, I was a little too attentive to it. This plant does it’s best when you almost forget about it. Set a reminder to water it about once a month and leave it in a sunny spot. This is going to give you the best results. At least that has been my experience anyway.

2. Aloe Vera

This wonderful little succulent is just like the jade plant. Put it in a sunny spot and water is thoroughly when the soil is dry. On average that equals out to about once a month in my experience. What’s great about this plant is that you can harvest the leaves for all sorts of things! Being fair skinned, I get sunburnt a lot so having this around is a treat when I get burnt. Or there are also lots of benefits for using this on your hair. So it is definitely a nifty plant to keep around.

3. Philodendron

Again this is a plant that you just sit near a sunny spot and water if the soil is dry. If you overwater it, it will tell you. The leaves will start changing color. If it’s not getting enough sun. The leaves will change color. All plants will tell you what they need. You just need to take the time to learn the signs. Thankfully in today’s society, that’s as easy as opening google.

I’ve had my “Phil” for just about as long as I’ve had my jade plant. Just like with my jade plant, “Phil” does best when you almost forget about him. Keep it in a place you frequent and just check on it every so often. If the soil is dry, water it. If the leaves are browning, move it to a sunnier spot.

4. Orchids

There are a lot of misconceptions about orchids. Most people think they are extremely hard to care for. This has not been my experience with them. They are probably the easiest plant I have ever tried to care for. Want to know the secret to caring for orchids? Find a sunny spot for them and place three ice cubes in their pot a week. That’s is. That’s all it takes to have a happy orchid.

Now the blooms will fall off at some point. The stem may even turn brown and shrivel up. This is normal. Some orchids grow new stems each year. Others just bloom on the same stem. Just keep watering them and as long as they’re in a spot with plenty of sunlight it’ll do great! MomLee has several orchids at her house and she shared with me her secret for keeping orchids alive for years! If it wasn’t for her guidance, I would not have known how easy orchids are to care for!

Thank you for reading!

Hopefully, this post helps inspire you to try out some houseplants. Remember, plants will tell you what they need. You just need to listen to what they are saying. Google has been my best friend on this journey of caring for plants. Don’t forget to check us out on social media. We are on Facebook, InstagramTwitter, Pinterest, and Youtube. For more family-focused posts, click here. Again, thank you for reading! God Bless!