Things We Learned The First Four Weeks With Oliver


Hello everyone!! I know it’s been a while since our last post. Sorry about that! Hopefully we will be getting back to posting on here regularly. Since our last post, a few things have changed, the biggest of which is Oliver Weston Lee has made his grand appearance into this wonderful world. Secondly, I am now a full time stay at home mom. At the time of writing this, Oliver has just turned four weeks old and we are just a couple days shy of being home with him for four weeks now. Over the last four weeks, there has been a lot of things we’ve learned. Which is why I’d like to take a little time today to review some of those things.

Things change daily

This not only applies to Oliver’s behaviors and his growth but also just over all. I mean, I went to the doctor for a routine check up one Thursday and when the doctor came in to check on me, she said “so we’re inducing tomorrow right?” Thinking she’d been thinking of the wrong patient I said “I’m sorry?! Not that I’m aware of” and after double checking my chart she confirmed that I was indeed scheduled for induction the very next day. The doctor asked me if I had any questions about it. Being completely shocked by the news, I completely drew a blank. I hadn’t even considered being induced was even a possibility for me. So she left me to think of questions while we finished waiting on non stress test to be completed. As soon as she left the room, I called Justin and said “so looks like we’re having a baby this weekend” and of course he was completely shocked by that statement and needed some clarification. Due to my gestional hypertension, my doctor felt it was best for me and Oliver’s health to induce labor at 38 weeks. So induced we were! That was the moment that we learned to just go with the flow and be open to anything.

Babies make a lot of noises

Not just when they’re awake either. Oliver is a noisy sleeper! Well, untill he gets into a deep sleep that is. It’s the funniest thing though to listen to all the adorable little noises while he is lightly sleeping. So don’t be like me and be surprised when your new little bundle of joy is making all sorts of noises. The noises can make for a rough night though. In order to help reassure myself that Oliver is fine, and in fact, still sleeping, I open my Owlet Smart Sock App. I am not sponsored by them. Though I totally woudn’t mind to be. I am a HUGE fan of it! As a former daycare teacher, all those classes about SIDS have given me a slightly unhealthy fear of it. So having the Owlet Smart Sock has helped me not only know that Oliver is breathing, but it also helps me watch his heart rate. By watching the app, I know what Oliver’s heart rate is when he is sleeping which helps me get more sleep.

Babies do not like to poop

Just like we aren’t born knowing how to walk or talk. We aren’t born knowing how to poop. This makes pooping very uncomfortable for your new family member. Just because your little one cries when they poop does not always mean they having stomach problems. It could very well just be that they are fitting against their body and not relaxing to allow themselves to poop. The sad thing is the internet does not tell you when this will end. So I guess we will just have to let you know once we find out. And believe us, we are looking forward to the day that little Oliver doesn’t cry out when pooping. Thankfully though, it does seem to be getting better. Slowly but surely.

Thank you so much for reading!

I hope that you’ve enjoyed this post! If you have any tips for this first time stay at home mom, please feel free to share! Please check back in for more content. Now that we are getting into more of a schedule, there should be regular content again. If you enjoyed this post, please share it with others! For more family content, click here! Please feel free to check out our other website, Everyday Apostolic. We pray you have a wonderful day and God bless!