The Importance of Taking Pictures of Your Adventures


So many times we get caught up in our adventure and forget to document it. We think back on the adventure and go to look for a picture of it and come up empty. I don’t know about you, but this happens to me all the time. Even though I know that I take my camera on just about every adventure. What happens to me sometimes is I am trying to be in the adventure and enjoy it. But then I forget to stop and capture it and am left with no pictures of it. There is a fine line in being in the moment of an adventure and being completely disconnected because you are looking through a lens.

Here are a few tips to try and get the best of both worlds. So that you can not only be in the moment but also capture it to look back on for years to come.

Black Balsam Knob North Carolina Tall Grass and Mountain View

Enjoy the moment then capture it

As you go through your adventure, first enjoy it then pull out your camera to document it. Sounds easy enough, right? This tip works for me about half the time but that is because I am usually with other people. Instead of just allowing them to go ahead after they’ve enjoyed the moment and me staying behind to get my pictures, I end up rushing to catch up so I am not left behind. One thing that has helped me with this is just reminding myself that I can catch up later. I need to enjoy the moment then take as many pictures as I desire then move on. That way I don’t look back and regret not capturing that moment.

Man with camera

Frozen Leaves

It is not going to take away from your adventure to stop for pictures

So many times we feel if we stop to pause along to adventure to document something that it will take away from us actually enjoying it. For me, that has not been the case at all. The times that we’ve purposefully stopped during the adventure to take pictures, or take notes even, we’ve enjoyed the adventure even more. It added to our experience. Allowing us time to really take everything in and commit it to memory. The times that we’ve done this have been some of the most memorial events adventures.

Woman looking at waterfall

By documenting the adventure you have frozen it in time.

I know that for me when I see a picture it takes me right back to that moment in time. I remember so many more details about that moment by seeing a picture than I ever would just from trying to remember it on my own. Capturing pictures of your adventure not only allows you to go back and reminisce but allows you to share those memories with others later on. I know that any pictures I can get my hands on of my parents or grandparents from when they were younger, I take them! I want to have as many pictures as possible for future generations to look back on.

Man with camera

Thank you so much for reading.

We hope this post inspires you to better document your adventures. It is a great way to save those memories for many years. And to share them with future generations!

Again, thank you for reading! Oh! And don’t forget to check us out on social media! We are on FacebookInstagramPinterest, and Youtube. For more posts about adventures, click here! Again, thank you for reading! God Bless!