What Are We Thankful For?


Thanksgiving is here and it is the day meant to give thanks. In this article we would like to share with you why we are thankful not just today but every day. You see as Christians we should not just take one day to speak of our thankfulness. Instead, we should take every opportunity to give thanks to God for the blessings he has given us. This point is illustrated in 1 Thessalonians 5:18.

“give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

We don’t always take the time to give thanks as we should. None of us are perfect. That’s why Thanksgiving is a great reminder of our need to give thanks to the Lord. For what he has done in our lives and what he will continue to do for us. With that being said I am going to turn it over to Labre so she can tell you a little about what she is thankful for.


Where to start? There is so much I am thankful for that it is hard to make a list of things I am thankful for. We’ll just start off with first things first. I am thankful for God’s love and His mercy. He has been better to me than I deserve. He has blessed me with so much! And has protected me from so much more than I am probably aware of! I don’t know where I would be if it was not for God. Without God, I am nothing. It is because of Him that I am all that I am today. I give him all the glory and honor for all that I have and all that I am.

Secondly, I am thankful for my church and pastor. First Apostolic Church of Maryville is my home away from home. For many years it was my only refuge. I am thankful for a church that preaches the whole Bible. Cover to cover. Leaving nothing out and preaching truth no matter what. I am thankful for a pastor that listens and obeys God. A pastor that isn’t afraid to preach on the hard subjects. Who isn’t afraid to tell us when we’re wrong. A pastor that encourages us when we’re down. And truly cares for our souls and our well being.

Lastly I want to express my thanks for my husband, Justin. He loves me at my best and even more at my worst. He encourages me and challenges me. But most importantly, he is the spiritual leader of our household. Justin is always pushing us to be the people God has called us to be. His love for God and His word is truly remarkable! I am even thankful for the mini sermons I hear from him on every car ride home from church.


It is hard to really know where to begin. I honestly feel that I have been blessed far beyond what I deserve. Of course, I am thankful for the job I have. The money I make, and the ability to drive nice vehicles. But in the end, do those things really matter? They are of course great and make life far easier. However, when you look at the big picture those things will not last the test of time. Even our health will eventually fade. We should really expect nothing less because the Bible tells what will happen to what we find valuable on earth in Matthew 6:19-20

19 “Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal.

So even though I am eternally grateful to be blessed with those things that are not where I want to focus my thankfulness. Instead, I want to give thanks to the Lord for the grace showed on Calvary. For the sacrifice made by Jesus Christ that gave me eternal life and wiped away the sins of my past. Now I no longer have to concern myself with the things of this world, but instead, I can keep my focus on the Kingdom of Heaven.

I would not be able to talk about being thankful though without saying how thankful I am to have the world’s best support system. I am so thankful to have been blessed with a family that no matter what, has always been willing to help me. They have taught me so much about faith and life. Even when they didn’t realize it they were teaching me the right way to live and I am so thankful for all they have done to help me navigate life.

And God knew in his infinite wisdom knew that I couldn’t make it on my own. So he leads me to the women I know I am supposed to spend the rest of my life with. Through the good and the bad, I know she will always be right beside me. Ready to take on whatever life throws our way. I learn from her daily what it means to really be a Christian. I am so thankful to have her in my life.


I believe that we can both agree that we are thankful for the opportunity we have both through our YouTube channel and through this website. We are able to spread the good news of Jesus Christ with people we will never meet. I know what the Bible says is true and I am thankful for the opportunity to share that with the world.

If you feel like you have nothing to be thankful for, we believe that you are looking for happiness in the wrong place. The things of this world will never give you a reason to be happy. You will never have enough money in the bank to be thankful. Nor can never drink enough to be thankful. You will never be thankful through intimacy. Those things only make you want more and you can never get enough to be thankful for them.

Only faith in Jesus Christ can truly make you thankful. God is what you need to fill the void you have in your life. He has the ability to make you whole and feel at peace. You can never experience this through obtaining worldly possessions. Don’t take our word for it you can turn to the one book with all the answers, The Bible. The book of Ecclesiastes goes into great detail about this very topic.

I hope on this day you have something to be Thankful for. If so please let us know in the comment section below. If you are still feeling like you have nothing to be thankful for and need to talk to someone. Please feel free to reach out to us.

Thanks For Reading!

Thank you so much for reading this article we really hope it has helped you in some way. If it did or you know someone who needs to hear this message please share this on your social media. We hope to reach as many people as possible. Again thank you so much for reading and as always God Bless!