Our Favorite Meals


From Taco Tuesday to French Fry Friday here is a list of our FamLee’s favorite meals! If you cook dinner for your family, you know how hard it can be to find options. Not to mention find options that everyone likes and can agree on. Thankfully, for us right now it’s just the two of us. So there isn’t a lot of people to please. Just like every other household though we still have our disagreements about meals. One will really like something and the other could care less for it. Stuff like that.

There are a handful of meals though that we absolutely love. They are our go-to meals. If you read that week’s family post, Money Saving Tips, you know that we cook all of our meals. Well, we try to at least. Like like week’s post said, we save a lot of money by not eating out so we try really hard not to. This means that we make all 3 meals per day. Finding things to make for all those, that everyone agrees on, can be hard. Here are some of our favorite meals!

Breakfast: Eggs & Bacon

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Our favorite breakfast meal is a classic. Eggs and bacon! With all the many ways you can make eggs, it’s not hard to find a way for everyone to like them. It is also easy to change up how you make them so you don’t get bored with them. If you are anything like us having the same thing over and over and over again can get boring. So having multiple ways to make something helps a ton! And of course, bacon is beloved by pretty much everyone. So that’s not a hard choice and is definitely a favorite of ours.

Lunch: Tacos!!

Bet you didn’t see that coming. Did you? Taco Tuesday is a must in our household! We absolutely love to make tacos! Sometimes we even turn Taco Tuesday into Mexican Monday because we just can’t wait until Tuesday for our taco fix.

For our tacos, we use ground turkey instead of ground beef. We had started using the ground turkey to be healthier and found that we don’t notice the difference. So we’ve just kept up with this. Once the meat is cooked, we add our taco seasoning packets and following their instructions on how much water to add. From there I heat up my tortilla shells. Justin prefers to make his plate as nachos rather than actual tacos though. Once the water is cooked out of your meat, add your preferred toppings to your tacos/nachos. And enjoy!!

Dinner: Teriyaki Chicken

To fit along with Mexican Monday, we also frequently do Teriyaki Tuesday! This has been a staple in our meals since Justin and I started making dinner together while dating. At first, I’d tried to make the teriyaki sauce but because I eyeball measurements it never tasted the same. This led us toward trying out a few different store-bought teriyaki sauces. We found one that we absolutely love. It is the Soy Vay Veri Veri Teriyaki Marinade.

We cook our chicken and veggies at the same time. Once the chicken is complete, we add the teriyaki sauce and veggies and let that all cook together for a little bit. Once all the teriyaki sauce has had enough time to heat up and flavor the meat and veggies,  we serve it over rice.

Thank you so much for reading!

Since we consider all of our readers as a part of our FamLee, we’d love to hear from you! What are some of your favorite meals? Leave us a comment and we’ll try them out!

Don’t forget to check us out on social media. Don’t forget to check us out on social media. We are on Facebook, InstagramTwitter, Pinterest, and Youtube. For more family-focused posts, click here. Again, thank you for reading! God Bless!