My Favorite Hair Inspirations


Hello, again readers! I hope you are having a great day! I know that I am. Well at least at the time of writing this, I am. No telling what will be happening when this posts. Anyway, back to the point. Today I’d like to talk about where to find hair inspiration!

Now, if you look back over my social media, my hairstyles over the last year or so have been mostly the same. This is because I have been working on embracing my natural curls and letting them do their thing. This is partly because my wonderful husband, Justin, loves when I wear my hair natural. The other reason is that it is healthier to embrace your natural hair than to constantly be forcing it to be what it’s not.


I know for most this may seem like a no-brainer. I mean Pinterest has the answer to everything. The thing about getting inspiration for hairstyles on Pinterest is that it can be so overwhelming. Even when you try and narrow down the search, there are just so many options!!

The great thing about Pinterest though is that it… wait for it…. inspires you. Mostly for me, it inspires me to try new things. Those things don’t always work out. Other times they do. But hey that’s life!


Again, searching for hair tutorials on Youtube can be overwhelming. That being the case, I have a few go-to channels. I kind of have to. Having hair as long as mine isn’t so common so it can be hard to find tutorials for styles that work with all my hair.

Here are a few of the channels that I like to check out when I need a little inspiration.

  • Hair by Hannah
  • Missy Sue


Instagram has become very big over the last few years. I mean, people are now pushing to be Instagram Famous. What’s great about Instagram is that it’s like Pinterest and Youtube had a baby. You get lots of pictures for inspiration and you get tutorials too! What’s not to love?

Another great thing about Instagram is that my go-to Youtube channels have Instagram accounts too! So if I just need a quick idea for a hairstyle, I can open up Instagram and pull up their pages. It’s really handy when the style I’d picked doesn’t work out and I’m at a loss for what to do.

There are also a few people who have made Instagram their go-to platform. It can be difficult finding pages you to take inspiration from. One of the best ways to find new pages is searching the Explore page. You can also search different hashtags to find new pages.


Some of the best inspiration comes from those closest to you. I always used to love playing with my family and friends’ hair. I used to do it all the time as a kid! As I got older my hair changed textures though so I had to relearn how to handle my hair. During this process, I became friends with Amanda.

She introduced me to hot rollers. And she gave me the essentials I needed to be able to do hair as well as I do now. Not long after teaching me all the basics, Amanda started coming to me to have her hair fixed. Funny how that works. The student becomes the teacher.

Not only should you look to your friends for hair inspiration, but to others around you. Thankfully we attend a large church so I have plenty of people around me with lots and lots of hair. With so many people, there are so many different styles. This is great because it lets you pull parts from different styles to create something uniquely your own.

Thank you for reading!

I’d love to hear where you get your inspiration for your hairstyles! Who are your go-to people for tutorials? Don’t forget to check us out on social media. Don’t forget to check us out on social media. We are on Facebook, InstagramTwitter, Pinterest, and Youtube. For more family-focused posts, click here. Again, thank you for reading! God Bless!