The Best Interview Tips


If you have had the pleasure of job hunting recently, you know that it can be a difficult thing. Especially if you are looking for a day job that does not require weekends. When you find a posting for that ideal job, you want to ensure you are a top candidate for that position. In order to stand out, not only do you need an impressive resume, you need to “wow” at your interview.

During my most recent job hunt, I decided to do a little research on the most common questions asked during interviews. Here is what I found.

1. Every Question Has A Double Meaning

The most common thing said in an interview is “So tell me about yourself”. During my research, I found out something that surprised me a little. Now, I am your average “Little Miss Sunshine”. I like to see all the good in the world. So I’ve always thought this was asked to break the ice. Well, that is not the case necessarily. This question gives you the opportunity to tell a little bit about your life but also use that as an avenue to explain why you are interested in the position you are applying for.

2. Take Time To Prepare

Many times life happens and we don’t get to prepare for things like we’d like to. Interviews are not something you need to delay preparing for. When job hunting, if you’ve done a few interviews, you start to think that they’re all the same and that you don’t have to prepare anymore. This is not the case. You need to personalize your responses to each potential position. Find ways to mention some of the specific skills listed on the job description during your interview. This will help you stand out as a top candidate.

3. Know Your Weaknesses and Strengths

One of the most common questions asked in an interview is “What is your biggest strength? Biggest weakness?”. The first part of that question seems easy enough. Name something you are great at that is relevant to the position you are applying for. The second part of that question though. That is a tough question. I mean, you don’t want to point out things you struggle with to a potential new employer. Take this opportunity to tell of a weakness but also tell of how you are working to overcome this weakness. This shows that not only you are aware of the weakness but you are taking steps to strengthen yourself in that area.

4. Reasons For Leaving Previous Positions

Sadly this isn’t as easy as it sounds. When we think of reasons we left previous positions, most of the times, we think “I wanted more money” “Better Shifts” “Everyone there was out of their minds”. When explaining why you left previous positions, you need to make sure that your reasons don’t make it seem like you jumped ship for any reason. Ensure your reasons for leaving make each change seem like a strategic move in order to advance your career.

Thank you for reading!

Hopefully, this post helps you during your next job hunt. Don’t forget to check us out on social media. We are on Facebook, InstagramTwitter, Pinterest, and Youtube. For more family-focused posts, click here. Again, thank you for reading! God Bless!