21 Days to Form a Habit?


I personally, like many others, have many habits that I would like to break. I also have many others I would like to form. For instance, one I habit I would like to break is eating fast food. On the other side, I would like to start exercising every day and read daily. Many times in the past I have tried to break those habits and create the other. Yet, I always seem to make it just a few days and then I stop trying or I lose interest.

I have read from a few sources that some studies have found it takes about 21 days to form a habit. Now since we are human and everyone is different, this number could be shorter or longer. Since I want a goal to shot for 21 days sounds pretty good. My goal is to see if you really can create a habit in 21 days and then report back with my results and observations.

Thankfully I will not have to do this alone. LaBre has agreed to give this a try with me. Since we have a decent list of things we would like to try to change and we are fairly indecisive we had trouble picking what habit to start with. So we did what any reasonable couple would do and opened the Lucky Roulette wheel app on the iPhone.

This app allows you to create a roulette wheel and input whatever options you would like. Then give the wheel a spin. We use the app whenever we can’t decide on where we want to eat or where we would like to go on an adventure. We probably use this app a little more than we should, but it works great. Once we input the habits we wanted to work on, we gave the wheel a spin and it picked working out every day for 21 days.

We have both tried to make a habit out of working out many times before, but like I said earlier it just has not worked out, no pun intended. This time will be different because I definitely do not want to have to come back here and admit to not making it the full 21 days.

We did some searching online and found a pretty easy Monday-Friday bodyweight exercise plan that consists of squats, planking, crunches, jumping jacks, lunges, a wall-sit, butt- kicks, and push-ups. The plan says to do all these exercises every day Monday thru Friday in various amounts depending on the day. We will be doing our own exercise on the weekend as well. Our hope is to go hiking or for a walk on the weekend days to get some easy cardio in and allow our bodies to recover from the exercises during the week.

As of the writing of this post, we having been doing this plan for 5 days. We both have found the exercises to be working and we hope to see small results by the end of the 21 days. Hopefully, we can make daily exercise a habit and then slowly expand our exercise to get even better results.

We will be sure to make another post about this soon and definitely let you know how it works. After we complete this round of 21 days we will be spinning the wheel again to see what habit is next. Thank you for reading this post! If you like what you read please give us a share and if you want to keep up with us be sure to follow us on social media and sign up for our email newsletter. Have a great day and God Bless!