Why I Go To Church


To me, Church is essential. My family introduced me to church when I was little. Some of my oldest memories are of me trying to sleep under pews during service. For a while when I was little my family stopped going to church. Thankfully though, a local church had a bus ministry that came to my neighborhood, so I started going again.

Since that day you can all but guarantee to find me at church if we are having service. I try to make missing a service as rare as possible. I’m not saying that I never miss church, but I really don’t like to miss church. I’d like to take this time to tell you why I go to church and go as often as I can.

The Bible Says So

This may seem silly because some people who are reading this may not know this. As a Christian, I look to the Bible for answers. All answers. I’ve heard it said before that Bible stands for: Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. That being the case Hebrews 10:24-25 says “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching”.

There you have it. As Christians, we are supposed to meet together to work on bettering ourselves and meet even more frequently as we see the world coming to the end. Almost everyone, not just Christians, knows that the end of the world is coming. There are more natural disasters now than ever before. It’s like the Earth is shaking us, trying to wake us from out coma of complacency.

Church Makes You a Better Person

By going to church, we learn how to be the people God called us to be. If we don’t go, the chances of us doing wrong and being immoral people greatly increases. By forcing ourselves to evaluate our lives based on what God’s word says we make ourselves want to be better people. Better people make a better world and who doesn’t want to live in a better world?

I know I want to live in a better world. A world where people aren’t afraid to walk to their car in the dark. Where people can send their kids to school without fear of them being shot or killed by a bomb. I mean, that’s the world we live in today. Those are legitimate fears people have these days. That is the world we live. If the world was full of better people, we would have a better world.

Bad People Are Everywhere

I’m not trying to say that people who go to church are perfect. If they are honest with themselves they will tell you they are far from perfect. The thing is, there are bad people everywhere. I mean the Bible warns us about people who hide their true nature behind a mask. Matthew 7:15 says Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves”. No matter where you are you are there will be people who will look to do harm.

The good thing about church though is the majority of the people there are trying to be the best person they can be. Yes, you may get hurt by someone you never imaged would hurt you. That can happen no matter what. We are human. We are bound to fail. I mean God gave Adam and Eve the perfect paradise and they failed. But God loves us so much that He made a way for us to be redeemed so that we can be with Him again. So there is no better place to be than surrounded by people who acknowledge their shortcomings and are working to be better people.