21 Day Challenge – No TV Update


If you’ve been following our blog, you know that we’ve been going through a series of 21 Day Challenges. We’ve been doing these challenges to try to better ourselves. Our first was challenge was exercising for 21 days. This challenge didn’t go exactly as planned. You can read more about that here if you’re interested. Once we’d completed that challenge we spun our LuckyRoullette app wheel and landed on our next challenge. This challenge was 21 days of no TV. Now not only did we do 21 days of no TV but we kind of ended up throwing in no sugar as well. No sugar drinks that is. We didn’t avoid food with natural sugars. I did have some honey in hot tea a few times but I had added in counting calories in my 21-day challenge.

The Results: No TV

Here is what Justin and I found while trying to completely eliminate the television from our lives. This is an extremely hard task. As a society, we have made TV a staple in our lives. Growing up, we watched TV while eating dinner. We watched TV before bed. We watched TV on days when the weather didn’t allow us to be outside. TV is what we’d always go to when we needed something to kill time. That being the case, eliminating TV was a major task.

I would love to tell you that we completely abandoned our television as a whole for the entirety of the challenge. That is not the case though. We ended up watching a lot of YouTube. The videos we’d watched though were instructional videos. We felt these were acceptable since they were to help up better ourselves. About halfway through the challenge as the weather made it almost impossible to be outside, we decided to allow movies. This was to help give us a mental break from whatever task we were working on. We tried our best to still limit the number of movies we allowed. If not, then we would have fallen into the same hole that we were in before we started this challenge. Dependant on our television to take up time.

Now since our 21 days ended, we did take advantage of the fact that the challenge is over. I took the opportunity to finish off the last two episodes of This Is Us season 2. Justin and I watched the season finale of The Good Doctor. Now that we are all caught up on those shows, we don’t really have much desire for other TV shows. We are hoping that we can continue to minimize our TV time. We feel like by doing this we are allowing ourselves to be better stewards of our time.

The Results: No Sugar

As for the no sugar bonus that Justin added in, we’ve done really well with that. The only exception is when I added honey to my tea as I said earlier. Justin went from having sweet tea every day and a few sodas a week to unsweet tea and no sodas at all. This is pretty huge for us. We were pretty much addicted to sweet tea. I mean anyone who knows us, knows that we practically bleed sweet tea with how much we’d drink it. Now unsweet tea is Justin’s go to drink. Mine is water because if I couldn’t have sweet tea, I wasn’t going to have tea. You can’t make me have unsweet tea. I will always pick water if I can’t have tea was it was meant to be.

Justin and I decided to take the rest of this week and take a break before we start our next challenge. We will make a video and post it on our YouTube channel this weekend to let everyone know what our next challenge is. Now, this does not mean that our no sugar drinks challenge is over. We hope to continue not having sugar drinks. Justin and I may make an exception once in a blue moon. We have found that not having them has helped our health overall. Justin normally gets awful migraines, has not had a single one since stopped sugar drinks. If that’s not worth the trade, I don’t know what would be.

Thank you for reading! We hope you’ve enjoyed this post. If you are inspired to start your own challenge, let us know! We would love to hear about it! If you enjoyed this post, let us know! Please feel welcome to share this! We are on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube. Be sure to subscribe so you can stay up to date on our posts! Thank you again for reading and God bless!