5 Hiking Must Haves


Hiking is the best! It is one of the easiest outdoor activities you can get into. It requires a very minimal amount of gear and you can probably start by using the things you already have. With just a few essential items, you will be ready to head out on the trail.

When I first started hiking I hardly ever took anything. Usually, I would end up wearing normal clothes, including blue jeans, and leave even my water in the car. It was rare for me to even carry a trail map.

After hiking more and more I began to realize that less is not always more. Once you have been lost a few times, soaking wet, and covered in bug bites your thoughts quickly change. Now on every trip, even if it is supposed to be a short simple hike, I bring a few essential items.

A Lightweight Rain Jacket

Weather can change quickly while on the trail. We often drive a few hours away to go hiking. The weather we had at home often can be far different then what we find upon arrival at our destination. Of course, we check the forecasts for where we are going, but we all know how that goes.

Nothing is worse than trying to hike while soaking wet. Since we have been caught in the rain more times then I would like to count I now make sure we always have our rain jackets when we leave. It is probably the most important item in my pack.

I personally use a very basic rain jacket. I find that a thinner jacket is best as it will be easy to pack down and fit into a backpack with plenty of space to spare. Plus the thinner it is the lighter it will be. If you really want to get into saving space and weight you can find rain jackets designed for hiking. Many of them can pack down extremely small and fit in their pocket. Do not worry about getting the best rain jacket, just be sure to keep one with you just in case.

Bug Spray

This is by far my loving wife’s most important piece of gear. While you may not view bug spray as hiking gear I can assure you it is. Before hiking with her I never thought you needed bug spray on a hike. In fact, I hardly ever used bug spray before our relationship. LaBre cannot stand the itch that comes with bug bites. This mean prevention is key in her battle against bugs.

Recently we have been on a few hikes that have proven the importance of the bug spray to me. On. A recent trip to frozen head I really got ate up by bugs. During the hike, I made the realization that she was right. Now I am sure that we bring the spray with us every time. I also enjoy the benefit of not having to hear about how bad her bug bites are for a week.


Wandering through the woods without any idea of where you are is never fun. Thankfully maps have become very easy to come by. You can normally get a free map at the visitor center of the park you are visiting.

While paper maps are great and always worth having just in case. They are not able to show you exactly where you are on the trail. Just a few years ago you would have needed an expensive GPS device to see where you are. Now we all carry a similar device with us everywhere we go. Just pick an app that allows you to download trail maps.

On our recent hike to Black Balsam Knob(Insert the post here once posted), we tried out the Hiking Project app. The app was made by REI and allows you to download areas. The app worked great and made it possible for us to navigate the trail without a physical map. It is really great to know exactly where you are on the trail at all times. Since you download the maps you do not have to worry about having a cell signal.

Don’t risk getting lost just take the time to grab a map. Even if you plan to use your phone, you should have a physical map. When the cell phone battery dies the map will still work.


When I started hiking with my mom years ago we never took water on the trail. Thankfully we never had a problem. I can not remember why we finally started taking water, but I have had several times that I was thankful we did.

Weather can make even the easiest trail seem impossible. When you end up on a hike like that the need for water becomes apparent. Even on a cool morning the hum it’s on the trail can cause you to sweet. Some hike will keep you out of the trees and in direct sunlight for the majority of the hike. Long climbs are often made easier by a few sips of cool water.

We possible suffer from taking to much water now. We have had a few times where we found yourself wanting more water while on the trail and having to suck it up till we get back to the car. The only plus to carrying a little extra water is it is easy to lighten your load by taking a drink. Also be sure to remember that dehydration is common on the trail and life threading so it is always smart to bring at least one bottle.

A Backpack

We have listed quite a few items so far on this list. If you plan on adding them to your hiking arsenal you are gonna need a bag to carry them. The options are plentiful when picking a hiking bag. You can probably get away with carrying a bag you already have.

One thing to consider though is weight. Your bag may seem light at home or on a short walk, but remember you will be filling it with other items and wearing it for a while. Nothing can slow down or even stop a hike like a pack that is too heavy.

We personally still use cheap packs we got at Walmart. We have considered a few times upgrading to a nice Osprey bag. However, our cheap bags just work so well and we do not have to worry about messing them up. The more expensive bags do come with great features though. For instance, you can get better support, rain protection, lighter weight, and much much more.

Your pack will be used far more than any of your other gear. Be sure to pick one you really like and that fits your hiking style. If you are just starting out you should consider a small daypack. It will have enough room for the essentials and will be light enough for prolonged use. Many people make the mistake of getting a huge pack they do not really need. Just find a pack that is small light and something you can afford. You can always upgrade down the road.

When you are hiking you can carry as much or as little as you want. I have covered many miles with just the clothes on my back. I have great memories of those hikes and wouldn’t change them. That being said I would not want to go back to hiking like that now. Carrying just a few things on this list eliminates most of the issues I have encountered on the trail. You could always take more than what is listed here, but I believe this is a good start for anyone.

Thank you so much for reading!

Do you have a question about anything mentioned here? We would love to help you out. What are some of the hiking essentials you carry on the trail? Please let us know in the comments below.

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Thank you again for reading, happy trails!