God is Intentional Even Through Song


Ever get a song stuck in your head for months on end? Well, this happened to me recently and every chance I have I listen to this one song on repeat at full blast! I am not really going through major challenges in life, the song just stirs something in me.

I have listened to this song so much, everyone around me can recognize it. My husband is getting sick and tired of it, but every time I turn this song on I smile and my mood automatically gets better. There are not many songs that hit me like this and continue to have an effect on me. That truly says a lot because I like music. When I say I like music, I mean I really like music. If I could listen to music all day long, I would.

This song is Intentional by Travis Greene. It’s fairly repetitive but it is done so well that I don’t mind it one bit. This song is just a great reminder that God is Intentional. He has a reason for everything. A reason for the good, the bad, the okays, for everything! He is intentional.

Listening to this song reminds me that because we are made in His images, we need to be intentional as well. So much of our life is spent unintentionally. We go to school so we can get good jobs, but as children and young adults we are just going through the motions and just trying to get to the next step in life. Some try harder than others to do well so they can be successful in the next step of life but at some point or another, we all get complacent and just go through the motions for a while.

It’s easy to get stuck in a routine of just going through your day, week, and even month without really being intentional. We typically do almost the same exact thing day in and day out. This song helps remind me to take time out of my day to be intentional about something, even if it’s something small. 

Check out the song below!



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